M.E.T.T.S. Pty. Ltd.

Consulting Engineers in Infrastructure Development and Resource Management


M.E.T.T.S. Pty. Ltd. (ABN 66 050 710 015) is an Australian private company registered in Queensland, Australia.

M.E.T.T.S. can help you undertake and bring to fruition your projects in:

  • energy and fuel resource management including efficiency in use, fuel supplementation and fuel switching,
  • infrastructure development for power, helium and wastes management,
  • research and development in specific technologies that are energy, resources and safety orientated,
  • hazard identification and risk avoidance, and
  • appropriate technology transfer with associated training to complement the above.

Our current specialities include:

bulletpoint Consulting on Fuel Resource Development

  • Consulting on Fuel Resource Development, Helium Resource Development and Stranded Natural Gas Development.
  • Consulting on the development of fuel resources that have included mined coal wastes, undeveloped coal resources, natural gas, domestic waste and animal wastes.

bulletpoint Consulting has been undertaken for the Asian Development Bank in the following areas:

  • Carbon capture utilisation and sequestration (CCUS) for Thailand and the Philippines,
  • Development of the Thar Lignite Field for Sindh, Pakistan,
  • Fuel selection for the Jamshoro Coal Fired Power Station, Sindh, Pakistan,
  • Coal logistics for the Jamshoro PS, and
  • Shale gas potential for four economies, being Pakistan, India, Indonesia and China.

The major recurring themes of our consulting have been the application of clean coal technologies (including carbon sequestration), energy from wastes, resource conservation and monetisation, and the recovery of wasted fuel resources

bulletpoint Consulting on Applications of Desalination Technologies

Consulting regarding the application of mechanical vapour compression (MVC) desalination technology was undertaken. From this work hybrid (Reverse Osmosis with MVC) concepts were developed. In-house consulting has been carried out for ENVAQUA Ltd (Bangkok) on regional desalination opportunities.

The major recurring theme of our desalination consulting has been maximising water recovery with responsible management of the eventual waste stream.

bulletpoint Project Development, Management and Implementation

The company is dedicated to the integration of research with industrial development. An example of this type of activity was M.E.T.T.S.'s management and leadership of a major industrial research project that involved the combustion of natural gas at elevated temperatures. This project was called Radiant Tube Technology.

bulletpoint Favoured Fossil Fuel to Energy Conversion Technologies

With respect to waste disposal, M.E.T.T.S. favours combustion systems that produce clean emissions whilst providing useful energy recovery. Fluidised Bed Combustors (of the atmospheric bubbling variety) are viewed as being a proved technology that offers the possibility of utilising many of the low specific energy bio-fuels and indigenous low rank fossil fuels. Reasonable energy conversion efficiencies are obtained using such technologies - with minimal environmental harm. The operation and maintenance of such units and associated generation equipment can be carried out by local technicians and engineers after short training courses.

The gasification route to using low rank fuels is also favoured as a potentially suitable technology type for monetising waste coal, coal washery middlings and pit wastes. The technologies can be extended to produce chemicals and fertiliser and be capable of incorporating Carbon Capture Utilisation and Sequestration (CCUS).

bulletpoint Our Structure

The structure of M.E.T.T.S. is that it is a private company owned by Dr Michael Clarke and Mr Thomas Warlick. Tom Warlick, a management consultant, from Tulsa, Oklahoma; who replaced the late Richard Stevenson in 2008. Expertise additional and outside that held by the directors is supplied by associates of the company. Our associates include chemical, biochemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineers, scientists, and senior technicians.

bulletpoint Our Associated U.S. Company

Pacific Power Partners LLC

Pacific Power Partners LLC (PPP) is a Tulsa, Oklahoma based engineering/management consultancy which has been marketing new and used generating plant into Asia. The Company President is Mr Thomas Warlick, its Vice Presidents are Dr Michael Clarke and Mr John Garrard. Tom Warlick is a management consultant.

bulletpoint Our Associated Australian Companies

Duncan Seddon and Associates Pty. Ltd. (ACN 079 934 286) - Process chemists and consultants to the hydrocarbon processing and petrochemical industries.

Duncan Seddon and Associates Pty. Ltd. (duncanseddon.com) provides commercial due diligence, analysis of present and emerging technologies, and valuation of uncommitted and discovered resources. Duncan Seddon and Associates Pty. Ltd. and its managing director, Dr. Duncan Seddon, have co-operated with M.E.T.T.S. on projects requiring in-depth analyses of processing options for challenging fossil fuels.

Altech Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd (ACN 097 248 792) - Altech specialises in waste water management, desalination technologies and centrifuge applications. Mr Garrard is the managing director of Altech.

bulletpoint Contact Details

Please visit our Contact Us page for contact details.



- NEW! Hydrogen Economy: Real or Flim Flam?
- Radiant Tube Technology
- Biodegradable Ordnance
- Wastes Processing & Management
- Spontaneous Combustion of Coal

- Bataan Nuclear Reactor: Conversion Options to Fossil Fuel
- Conversion of Oil Fired Power Stations to Coal
- Solid Waste Combustion with Power Generation
- Gas-to-Liquids with Power Co-Production

- NEW! Hydrogen as a Constituent of Natural Gas
- NEW! Battery Backups for Nuclear Power Plants
- NEW! JORC and PRMS Reporting
- Helium: Next Mineral to Boom in Australia?
- Energy Security in Australia
- Low Rank Coal/Lignite Upgrading Technologies
- Cleaning UCG Synthesis Gas
- GTL and CTL: New Energy Resources for Australia
- Lignite: A New, Dedicated Approach
- Carbon Capture and Storage
- Power Generation Systems & Reliable Supply
- LNG Carbon Footprints and CDM
- Hybrid VAM and Coal Waste Fired Power Generation
- Clean Coal Technology & Enhanced Oil Recovery
- UCG-CSM Interrelationships and Synergies
- Business Continuity Management and the Terrorist Threat
- The Missing Link in Clean Coal Technology
- The Realities of Solutions to the Energy Question
- Energy for and from the Northern Territory (Australia)
- Countering Terrorism Using Risk Management Tools
- Engineering and Terrorism
- Desalination and Power Generation
- Full List of White Papers

- NEW! Hydrogen Economy: Can It Be Based On Mineral (Natural) Hydrogen?
- NEW! Nitrogen Co-Production during Helium Recovery
- NEW! Helium Resources in Myanmar & SE Asia
- NEW! Survival of Extractive Industries during/after COVID
- NEW! Continuity of Electricity Supplies in ASEAN



M.E.T.T.S. Pty. Ltd. - Consulting Engineers
PO Box 843, Helensvale QLD 4212, Australia
TEL: (07) 5502 8093 • (Int'l) +61-7-5502 8093
EMAIL: metts[at]metts.com.au

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